Parents' Association (PA)
The Parent Association is the structure through which parents/guardians in a school can work together for the best possible education for their children. Legally every national school in Ireland is entitled to have a PA and its membership must be open to all parents in the school. Once you have a child in the school and there is an active PA in that school you are automatically a member of the PA even though you may not necessarily be on the committee itself.
Aim The overall aim of a PA is to represent the interests of parents of children attending the school and to promote good working relationships between parents, the Principal, teachers and the Board of Management (B.O.M.). Educational research on the involvement of parents in schools shows that children achieve higher levels when parents and teachers work together. Activities We offer help and support with various school events throughout the year. This can range from organising social events such as Santa's visit to the school children, funding buses to and from school team matches to raising money for essential educational materials for our children. The Parent Association can advise the principal and Board of Management on policy issues and incidents that may require a review of school policy, e.g. Bullying, Safety, Homework, Enrolment, Behaviour problems etc. Parent Associations can suggest and/or organise extra-curricular activities and invite speakers to address the parents on issues which are topical or relevant. Fresh Ideas We welcome new parents with new fresh ideas. We actively encourage both men and women to get involved to achieve a gender balance on the committee. Meetings About 5-6 meetings per year. Next meeting Mon Oct 21 @ 8pm in the school hall. The Principal usually attends. We generally hold our meetings a couple of days after the BOM's meetings in order to achieve continuity, greater sharing, and cohesion between all parties within the school. Elections Elections for the PA committee takes place at the A.G.M. in the school at the beginning of the school year i.e. September or early October. All parents are invited to attend. Apart from electing a new committee the purpose of the A.G.M. is to inform parents of the work and activities undertaken by the PA over the previous year and to account for monies spent and received. So come along to the A.G.M., get involved, make new friends, get to know how your school works, watch your child flourish, and be part of the success of the school. National Parents' Council The N.P.C. offers training for new parent associations on the role and functions of a Parent Association. Further information here. |
PA committee members 2021-2022
Chairperson: Liz Kelly Secretary: Orla Barrett Vice-Secretary: Eileen Hayes Treasurer: Nicola O'Toole Vice-Treasurer: Annie Keogh |