A - Z of Frequently Asked Questions
A is for Absences:
Written notes signed by a parent/guardian are required to explain absences. Absences over 20 days in any school year are automatically reported to the National Education Welfare Board, to comply with legal requirements. Illnesses, appointments, family events, and holidays taken during term time all count towards the 20 days. Most families will have legitimate reasons for their children's absences - this national system is designed to reduce truancy.
B is for Bus Tickets:
The address of the nearest office to Borris is Bus Eireann, School Transport Office, Plunkett Station, Waterford. You can register and apply for a place on the bus here.
B is also for Book Fair:
New, varied, inexpensive books displayed in the hall each year in November for two or three days. Children can browse and then buy or not (no obligation). A good chance for them to see what's new, develop their reading tastes and it also acts as a fundraiser for the school. (Some of the proceeds goes towards replacing books in each class library). Open to parents too! Good opportunity to stock up on inexpensive Christmas presents that keep on giving!
C is for Collecting your child:
A note is always required if a child is to be collected by someone else other than the parent or guardian e.g. granny, minder etc (for child safety). Children being collected during school hours must be signed out using the forms from the secretary's office. We may verify with you that the person collecting your child is doing so with your permission.
D is for Discipline:
The school encourages a sense of self-discipline. Everyone is encouraged to celebrate their uniqueness, value each other as individuals and respect people and property. Rules are kept to a minimum and are intended to promote a high standard of behaviour and safety. We actively encourage good manners, a respect for the environment and a willingness to care for the feelings of others.
E is for Entitlements:
e.g. Lone Parent/ Social Welfare recipient / Large Family/ Prolonged Illness/ Low Income:
If your household belongs to any of these categories please contact the Principal to see what you may be entitled to. Phone queries and information given will be kept confidential.
F is for First day jitters:
We have put together a few suggestions here to make starting in our school a little easier for your child.
G is for Garden:
We are proud of our school garden, which is used regularly by all classes and is a great source of learning. It regularly features in our school magazine. It is currently in need of a little TLC - if you can help with materials or suggestions, we'd be delighted to hear from you!
H is for Healthy Eating:
Please comply with the school's healthy eating policy when filling your child's lunchbox. Suggestions can be found here
I is for Illness:
Latest Covid advice is that a child should not come to school with cold- or flu-like symptoms until checked by a GP. Should your child become ill at school we will contact you or the contact name you have supplied so that he/she may be taken home. (Please notify us of changes of phone number or contact person). Certain infectious diseases require that a child be kept away from school for a period. These include impetigo and other contagious illnesses. Please do not bring in a sick child no matter how much they want to be here. Schools must stay open in the national interest. Please leave at least 24 hrs after a child has last been sick before returning them to school.
J is for Jewellery:
We discourage the wearing of personal jewellery (earrings etc) as they may cause problems in school and in play periods e.g. a torn or cut ear if pulled or snagged. The loss of treasured items may cause upset. We cannot accept liability for loss of such items.
K is for Kindergarten:
A well-run preschool/kindergarten/Montessori is one of the best starts your child can have. There is grant assistance for play-schools to give a limited number of hours per day or week to children. Ask at your local play-school.
L is for Labelling:
All personal items (e.g. jumpers, cardigans, etc…) should be clearly labelled with children's name. During the year this may need to be re-done as it fades off during washing etc. It helps younger children is everything is labelled: lunchboxes, slippers, pencil cases etc.
M is for Meals:
(i) The children have a little snack and/or a drink in classroom each morning at 11:00 and their "big” lunch in their classrooms too, from 1:00 to 1:30p.m.
(ii) We ask children to bring home all left-overs to show you that they have/have not eaten all their lunch, to avoid mice in school, and because of the high cost of wheelie-bin service to the school.
N is for No Smoking:
Smoking is forbidden by law not just inside the buildings but in the grounds too, up to the main gates.
O is for Opening hours:
School times each day are 9:20 - 11:00 , 11:10 - 12:30 , 1:00 - 2:00 (infants) / 3:00 (1st-6th classes). Junior Infants go home earlier for the first two weeks.
P is for Parents::
We invite you to be part of your child's education: help them with homework, read to them and listen to them reading, consult promptly with the class teacher about any issues and come to Parents' Association meetings - show your child that school matters!
Q is for Questions:
If you have any questions about your child's school life, we invite you to phone or call in. Don't keep it to yourself!
If something is not right, we like to hear about it. Use your class teacher's school email, call the office or use our contact form.
R is for Reports:
A report is issued on each child once each academic year, usually in June. Each report contains the class teacher's observations and evaluation of your child's progress in each subject area, including social skills. Your child will be curious about their report. We encourage you to interpret it for them as you think appropriate, being as positive as possible. Our experience is that older children are often more severe critics of their own performance than you or their teacher might be, and may worry unduly about what is being said if you don't show or tell them about their report. So be honest, fair and positive with them.
S is for Schoolbags:
Please check your child's schoolbag regularly for notes from the school. Show your child how to keep their schoolbag tidy.
T is for Text-a-Parent scheme:
This scheme allows you to be kept informed of important or urgent news. One mobile phone number per household. Your child has received a form but you can collect one from the office to fill your preferred contact number. Remember to tell us if you change your phone number!
U is for Uniform:
Girls: blue polo shirt, wine V-necked jumper/cardigan, grey trousers/skirt/pinafore, school shorts
Boys: blue polo shirt wine V-necked jumper grey trousers school shorts
Tracksuit (boys and girls): plain navy top, plain navy bottoms, blue polo shirt
¹ Each item must have child's name on.
² From 1st class up all children need a pair of black plimsoll-type slippers for indoor use. Expect to replace them during the year as needed.
³ Older children may still use their previous uniform - there is no need to update until your child outgrows it.
V is for Visitors:
Visitors are currently not allowed inside the building (Covid regulations). Phone 059 9773402 or buzz the intercom and we will come out to you.
W is for website:
Keep up with life in our school - do check in from time to time. Encourage your child to try the learning games and puzzles on the "Children" page. You can read back issues of our school magazine here too, on the "Parents" page. From time to time your child's work may be chosen for inclusion on our website or in our school magazine.
X is for X-tra curricular activities:
Funky Kids activity group; tin whistle, coding lessons may take place. These are outside school hours. Contact the office for more details of what's available in any given year. Under present health guidelines, these activities are restricted.
Y is for Years:
Primary school lasts for 8 years. Your child(ren) will develop physically, mentally, socially and emotionally during their time in school. Let's work together to make it a wonderful 8 years!
Z is for Zero!
Our school's phone number is 059 977 3402.